Congressman Alan Grayson recently stated that he will be introducing a co-sponsored legislation to keep small businesses from opting to hire part time employees instead of full-time employees, in order to avoid having to comply with the now delayed Obamacare employer mandate.
House Republicans railed against President Obama’s Obamacare full-implementation flinch, calling it unfair, and suggested that the President should delay the entire law’s implementation.
Jorge Bonilla, Grayson’s potential 2014 Republican congressional opponent, sent over this response to Grayson’s “wage control” piece of legislation-
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Instead of burdening employers and small businesses, we should seek ways in which to facilitate growth. We know how the Obama administration intends to counter job losses and hourly wage reductions brought on by Obamacare. We are seeing the beginning of a campaign for wage control, which will be even more of a burden to job creation, and is just as doomed to fail as Obamacare.”-Jorge Bonilla
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Related: Grayson Thinks German Wage Laws Should Be Imposed On U.S. CorporationsShare and “Like” the story below. Leave us a comment.