Many of you out there might have felt a bit disappointed after hearing the news that Democratic Congressman Alan Grayson had changed his ways, and was a much ‘tamer’ and less divisive representative. I tell you this, don’t believe everything you read.Grayson recently appeared on Central Florida News 13 to discuss his positions on immigration, minimum wage and Obamacare. While on the issue of immigration, Grayson in the same breathe stated that there are people within the Republican Party “that don’t want to do anything what would help brown people,” adding that there was an “underlying insinuation of racism” in the way that beltway Republicans saw and dealt with the immigration reform issue.
“I think that would be a shame, but what really pushes immigration to the side is the fact that many people in the Republican Party don’t want to do anything that would help brown people. There’s an underlying insinuation of racism in the way that Washington, D.C. Republicans look at this issue.”-Rep. Alan Grayson (D)
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Just who are these “brown people” Mr. Grayson is talking about? Let’s assume that Grayson is referring to Hispanics, which he mostly likely is, as being these “brown people.” What about the “white Hispanic” and “black Hispanic” people? Don’t they count as being a lighter or darker shade of brown?
By referring to Hispanics as “brown people”, isn’t this the kind of “racism” that Grayson accuses Republicans of insinuating?
Grayson, Jackson, Sharpton, and Frederic Wilson, all feel the need to refer to, and categorize people by the color of their skin, further fueling, as President Obama just said, the growing racial divide in the country,Share and “Like” the story below. Leave us a comment.