Senator Marco Rubio appeared on the Andrea Tantaros radio show to talk about, what else, defunding Obamacare. Rubio believes that “the last best chance” to stop Obamacare is to defund it in the upcoming continuing resolution budget. He has a point.Earlier this week, Rubio joined his fellow Republican amigos in the Senate, Mike Lee, Ted Cruz, and others, to vow to not vote on any budget that included funding for Obamacare.
“In the meantime, on ObamaCare the clock is ticking. It will kick in on October 1. There are people right now that are being moved from full-time to part-time because of ObamaCare. There are people that are going to lose their jobs because of ObamaCare.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.There are people who are going to lose their existing coverage because of ObamaCare, and our last best chance to do anything about it is in the short-term budget. To insist that we are not going to vote for any short-term budget that funds ObamaCare because if you vote to fund ObamaCare, you can’t really say you’re against it.”
When asked if he would be willing to “shut down the government over Obamacare, Rubio stated the following-
“I think the real question is: Is Barack Obama willing to shut down the government over ObamaCare? In essence, I think we should pay our military. I think we should fund the government. I just don’t think we should fund ObamaCare.
And what the President is saying is we either fund ObamaCare or we don’t fund anything. And I think that’s an unreasonable position. And that’s the position he’s taken and the Democrats have taken. ObamaCare is a disaster by his own admission.
He’s had to basically delay one of the most important parts of the law. Right now, some people are going to get forced into an exchange. They’re going to lose their existing coverage and be forced to buy health insurance from an exchange. Well, those exchanges haven’t even been set up yet, and they may not be set up by October 1. In fact, I think they won’t be.”
“And you are going to fund that? And the impact that’s having on our economy? What the President’s basically saying is that, ‘If you don’t fund ObamaCare, I won’t sign a bill that funds the government.’ So he’s the one that’s threatening to shut down the government, not us.”
Rubio was then asked, “Would you, Senator Rubio, allow him to shut down the government?”
“Look, I am not a fan of short-term budgets, but I am willing to vote for one if it defunds ObamaCare. But if it just going to be the continuation of the same broken promises and, in addition to that, spends money on ObamaCare, I am not going to do it. Look, I ran on a platform that ObamaCare was bad for our country and I promised people that I would do everything I could to undo that. And this may be the last chance to actually do something about it.
I cannot go back to Florida and tell people, ‘I did everything I could to stop ObamaCare,’ if I do not fight to defund it here in September.”
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