Sen. Ted Cruz/ The Shark Tank
President Obama’s speech on the U.S. economy was the same big government, tax raising address that we have been accustomed to hearing fover the past 5 years . Texas Senator Ted Cruz, who is working to defund Obamacare this year, says that Obama should listen to other Republican and Democratic leaders calling for Obamacare to be defunded.Cruz, along with Senators Rubio and Lee, have signed a letter stating that they will not support the funding of Obamacare in the upcoming continuing resolution. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says that he and the President have stated that they “will not negotiate on the Debt Ceiling.”
Senator Lee said that defunding of Obamacare needed to happen now, saying that this was the “last stop on the Obamacare Express.”
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Today President Obama rehashed essentially the same economic speech we’ve heard for years: more government programs, more taxes. He’s out of ideas to fix the economy, and unwilling to do what it takes to remedy the harm his policies are inflicting.
Since the President took office, the average rate of annual economic growth has been a paltry 0.9 percent, compared to the historically normal rate of 3.3 percent. If President Obama truly cared about sparking economic growth and bringing opportunity to the American people, he would join the growing chorus of elected leaders calling for full defund of Obamacare – the single strongest step government can take to unshackle jobs, investment, and growth again in America. As James Hoffa of the Teamsters Union put it, Obamacare “will… destroy the foundation of the 40 hour work week that is the backbone of the American middle class.”
I am working hard to help lead the effort to defund Obamacare in the next 68 days as part of the next Continuing Resolution, and I would urge the President and his party to join us in a real agenda for jobs and growth.-Sen. Ted Cruz
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