Shortly after President Obama chided House Republicans for passing two bills to delay the implementation of a couple key mandates of the Obamacare law, Senator Marco Rubio took to the Senate floor to call out the President on his “failing” legacy healthcare law. Rubio spoke about how the Obamacare “experiment” would burden business of all sizes, including the famous Gatorland theme park in central Florida. Rubio, who is scheduled to visit Gatorland this week, stated that Gatorland management already pays 80 percent of their employees insurance costs, and if Obamacare is fully implemented, the theme park would have to make drastic employment changes in order to be able to meet the health insurance requirements for their existing employees.
“The President keeps saying there are people in town that want this plan to fail. Mr. President, the plan is already failing. It’s failing by your own admission. … In the short-term funding bill, we should not pay for the implementation of ObamaCare. And let me be clear, anyone who votes for the short-term budget that funds ObamaCare is voting to move forward with ObamaCare.”-Senator Marco Rubio
Rubio then emphasized that he did not vote for Obamacare, and would not vote for any future bill that would fund President Obama’s job-killing healthcare law.
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