Carson’s statement is sure to fuel the current NAACP/DOJ race-baiting efforts of looking into a possible civil rights case against George Zimmerman.
According to a Fox News report, former Congressman Allen West “questioned why the NAACP honed in on the Zimmerman case but have been more silent on the violence seen in cities like Chicago, where over this past weekend alone reports listed 10 black children or teens being killed.”
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
West unfortunately, an inexplicably supports a DOJ civil rights investigation into George Zimmerman.“I think one of the things that we saw was the interjection of race into this case, especially by the race baiters,” he said, “which probably caused the prosecution to go down the path of a charge that was going to be a little bit harder [to prove].” He added that if the state had “let the justice system take its due course,” there may have been a different verdict.”–Allen West (Fox Insider)
“First of all, if all that has been reported is accurate, the Sanford Police Chief should be relieved of his duties due to what appears to be a mishandling of this shooting in its early stages. The US Navy SEALS identified Osama Bin Laden within hours, while this young man laid on a morgue slab for three days. The shooter, Mr Zimmerman, should have been held in custody and certainly should not be walking free, still having a concealed weapons carry permit. From my reading, it seems this young man was pursued and there was no probable cause to engage him, certainly not pursue and shoot him….against the direction of the 911 responder…I have signed a letter supporting a DOJ investigation.”–Allen West (Front Page Magazine 7/8/2013)
***For those of you who need more clarification and specifics, West did not make this statement recently, Front Page’s post was recent, and pulled West’s quote from last year. We just pulled the quote and cited them. Gracias.
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