The Republican race to unseat liberal Democratic Congressman Alan Grayson is off and running, as three candidates have now formally announced their congressional candidacies.
Carol Platt–
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
The 48 year-old Executive Director of the Osceola country Realtors Association is said to have a vast network of deep-pocketed supporters, and whose family name is a staple in the region, filed her Federal Elections Commission paperwork on 5/13/2013.
Since May 13th, Platt has only been able to raises $21,050 from her network, according to her most recent FEC filing. Platt has never run for elected office.
Jorge Bonilla–The 42 year-old virtual unknown Conservative blogger and former U.S. Navy veteran formally filed his candidacy on June 11th. Bonilla’s FEC filings are not available, but according to his campaign, the paperwork was submitted at the last hour, showing that he raised a total of $16,720 in the last three weeks of the reporting cycle. Bonilla has never ran for elected office, and is considered to be the favorite early on in the Republican primary.
Peter Vivaldi–
The 51 year-old consultant filed with the FEC on 7/2/2013, and in doing so, is not obligated to disclose filings until the end of the next reporting cycle. Vivaldi announced a congressional exploratory committee on July 2, but then announced he would run officially run for Congress on the very next day.
Back in 2010, Mr. Vivaldi decided run for the Orange County Commission, but withdrew his name from consideration. In 2011, Vivaldi was being considered for appointment to a vacant seat on the Orange County County Commission, but sources close to the selection process say that Mr.Vivaldi interviewed for the position, but “did not vet.” Vivaldi ran for the Orange County School Board in 2012, and lost.Share and “Like” the story below, and leave a comment