Congressman Dennis Ross dropped in to say hello and address a joint social event held in Polk County, Florida, that was put together by the Republican Club of Solavita, and the Polk County Republican Executive Committee.Ross divulged the fact that he has sat in on both classified and non-classified briefings regarding the recent NSA scandal that has opened up the federal government to criticism over it’s egregious overreach and trampling of American civil rights.
Ross said that in these briefings, the government could not answer the question of why his 74 year-old mother-in-law’s Verizon bill was relevant to an ongoing terrorist investigation , which led him to remind the group about his newly sponsored Relevance Act. The Act ensures that the federal government only targets named persons “with a showing of relevancy with an ongoing terrorist investigation.”
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In regards to President Obama’s recent flinch on imposing the business mandate within Obamacare, Ross stated the following:
“This president has no authority to unilaterally decide what he does or does not want to enforce, because it is contrary to his constitutional obligations”-Rep. Dennis Ross (R)
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