Sporting what looks to be a snazzy new blue suit and red tie, Senator Marco Rubio took to the Senate floor to rip into Obamacare, calling for it an utter “disaster” that wouldn’t work, and questioning any and all temporary or permanent funding for President Obama’s job-killing legacy legislation.
Rubio has been one of the loudest voices that has been calling for the healthcare law’s complete repeal and revocation.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.This (Obamacare) is a disaster, no matter how you feel about it, its a disaster. It cannot be implemented in time. Why would we fund a disaster? Why would we pay for something out of the American taxpayers wallet that we know is not going to work? Rubio added, Obamacare threatens to shut down our economy…we should not fund, we should not have a temp budget around here that will give money to this thing, because its a disaster and won’t work, its going to hurt people-Senator Marco Rubio
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