This is a ‘no-brainer’ and was expected, but nonetheless, very exciting news coming from the Senate Republican Caucus.U.S. Senators Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Marco ‘Amigo’ Rubio, Rand Paul, and others, have co-sponsored legislation to “fully defund Obamacare.”
“We must repeal ObamaCare, and this legislation would completely defund this disastrous policy that is already wreaking havoc on job creators and workers,” said Rubio. “As the administration has recently proven by delaying the employer mandate portion of this legislation, not even ObamaCare’s supporters are comfortable with the damage its implementation will have on our economy. But the delay of only one portion of this law is not enough and only deals with part of ObamaCare’s problems, which is why we must defund all of it.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“While this legislation calls for the full defunding of ObamaCare, Congress should take action in the meantime to defund its shorter term consequences through the upcoming short term budget Washington is cooking up. If the Obama Administration won’t implement ObamaCare, we should defund it.”-Senator Marco Rubio
Now that the immigration reform issue is out of Rubio’s hair, for now, the 2016 Republican Presidential hopeful will now begin to try and win back lost support by beefing up his conservative bonafides.
Over the next year or two, I expect to see some friendly political jabbing between Senators Rubio, Cruz, and Paul, as all three are considered to be frontrunners in 2016 Republican Presidential primary, and will try to ‘out-conservative’ one another. Share and “Like” the story below, and leave a comment.