Senator Marco Rubio’s popularity among his conservative base has plummeted after he ‘went all in’ on immigration reform, and cosponsored the controversial Senate ‘Gang of 8″ immigration bill.The bill passed the Senate, but is expected to die in the House of Representatives. Unfortunately for Rubio, the bill failed to reach the objective he was pushed for all along- complete border security before any illegal immigrant is granted a pathway to citizenship.
Rubio’s bill has perplexed many of his closed friends and supporters, who say that his sudden change of mind on immigration reform, smells of political expediency. In addition, Rubio’s legitimizing of two of the most liberal and obstructionist Democrat Senators in the U.S. Senate, Dick Durbin and Chuck Schumer, has raised eyebrows, questioning whether or not Rubio will continue making the turn to the left.
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[yop_poll id=”3″]The Shark Tank is currently running a poll among its readers, about who they would like to see run for President in 2016. It’s not looking good for Rubio. Prior to the immigration reform debate, Rubio dominated similar polls, but now Rubio is currently placing in 7th ,in a field of 11. The frontrunners in the poll, Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Ben Carson, and Allen West.
Rubio insists that he is still the constant-conservative that Floridians voted into office back in 2010. We shall see.
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