Congressman John Mica (R-FL) held nothing back in a press release today as he tore into the TSA over the agency’s Screening Partnership Program (SPP), in response to a report released by the Department of Homeland Security Inspector General (DHS OIG). Mica points out the TSA “cooked the books and inflated the cost of private screening under federal supervision as opposed to the cost of operating all federal screening.”
Within the last two years independent audits have discovered the TSA had “cooked the books when comparing the cost of all-federal screening to private-federal.” Mica criticizes the agency’s tactics for their swollen workforce with 66,000 employees including administrators. But in order to maintain their “army of administrators and bloated screening force” the report shows they agency is using “flawed data” through non-compliance.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“TSA has done everything possible to maintain its bloated administrative bureaucracy,” Mica said.
The press release states the TSA shockingly and “have incorrectly inflated the cost of private screening operations, by more than $420,000 in one case.” This issue exists along with incomplete documents concerning the evaluation of their pending applications, which the report claims barely half were completed.
“This is outrageous,” Mica said. “In this case, TSA’s blatant disregard for private-federal screening has unfairly resulted in a seven percent increase in the cost of private screening operations compared to federal screening.”
Mica points out the duplicative costs are wasting taxpayer dollars. “This report proves that TSA still uses its faulty cost methodology to justify its political agenda at the expense of airports, travelers and taxpayers,” he said. “ I will continue to work to hold this out-of-control agency accountable and continue to investigate the true cost differential between the all-federal and private-federal screening models.”
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