With the ‘Gang of Eight’ immigration reform bill passing in the U.S. Senate, Senator Rubio has lost favor with many Americans that believed he was against amnesty for illegal immigrants. While I agree in principle with the Senator that immigration reform needs to be addressed, I believe that this flawed bill does not address the border/national security issue first and instead grants amnesty for those who have entered this country illegally.Rubio himself said that he would never support “any effort” to legalize “folks who have entered or stayed in this country illegally.”
“No, no – never have been. In fact, I’m strongly against amnesty… So I am not and I will never support – never have and never will support — any effort to grant blanket, legalization amnesty to folks who have entered or stayed in this country illegally.”- Marco Rubio, 3/21/2009-Shark Tank video
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Redstate’s Erick Erickson wrote the following in his recent post, “Marco Rubio Steps Closer to an Obama Hug”-
Share and “Like” the story below, leave us a comment.Rubio and Gang of 8 supporters are admitting that amnesty for 11 million illegal immigrants will deprive American citizens job opportunities and drive down their wages. So instead of walking away from this bill and lowering taxes or removing regulations or reducing government spending or promoting school choice or any other dozens of conservative ideas to promote a better economy and better future for youth, Marco and the 14 other Republicans are embracing a socialist-authored government spending stimulus program. And to top it off, they claim to want to encourage foreigners to immigrate here but will create a new penalty tax them for doing so? WHAT?!?!-Redstate