Utah Senator Mike Lee, who is considered to be one of Senator Marco Rubio’s close friend in the U.S. Senate, went on Fox News Sunday to say that he things the ‘Gang of Eight’ immigration reform bill is “likely to pass along those margins.” The margin Lee is referring to is 70 votes.
Along with Texas Senator Ted Cruz and Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions, Lee has been one of the most outspoken critics of Rubio’ immigration bill. Lee contends that a step-by-step approach to immigration reform, beginning with the securing of the U.S.-Mexico borer to the best way to address the illegal immigration problem.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“It’s not tough on those who broke the law and not fair to those patiently waiting in line to come to this country legally. Perhaps worst of all we learned late Friday that they are going to replace the Gang of Eight’s bill, a thousand pages, with a 1200-page Corker-Hoeven amendment. This is a provision few people have read and fewer understand. We all want immigration reform. This bill is not the right vehicle for getting there.” –Sen. Mike Lee
Lee was joined on the show by one of the “Gang of Eight’ cosponsors, Senator Lindsay “Gramnesty” Graham, who said that this bill needed to become law because” the party (Republican) is in trouble with Hispanics.”
Lee said the lawmakers crafted the bill with the “best intentions” but failed.
“They said it is tough and fair, but it’s neither,” he told Fox.
The bill would provide a years-long path to citizenship for the roughly 11 illegal immigrants now living in the U.S.-Fox News
Related-Lee calls “Gang of Eight” bill “false choice” and “big government dysfunction”
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