During a recent interview with the Shark Tank,Republican Congresswoman Renee Ellmers (NC), who sits on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, says Republicans in the Health sub-committee are currently crafting “a replacement plan that is going to be good sound reform” to replace Obamacare.
Ellmers, who believes that Obamacare in “no way will improve quality of care,” says that the group’s messaging, which is being addressed in conjunction with the House Majority Whip’s office, has come up with the House Obamacare Accountability Program (HOAP) HOAP is set up to help Americans understand how “devastating” Obamcare will be to them, hospitals, physicians, if fully implemented.
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While Ellmer’s group is still working out the details of the plan, Elmer’s adds, “our plan will deliver a better benefit at a much more reasonable costs, and insure more individuals,” adding that the “when” and “where” is still being worked out, and that the Obamacare replacement plan could be introduced as early as this year.
We haven’t yet determined exactly how we are going to go about it, but I am very optimistic that we are going to have a plan that we will be able to show the American people… I do believe, if we have an alternative plan that we can show, we will be able to finally fully repeal it, and put in place good sound policy. –Rep. Renee Ellmers
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