Republicans continue to push for more answers in the Benghazi cover-up scandal, as well as the Internal Revenue Service targeting of Conservative organizations and individuals.
Congressman Mark Meadows (R-NC) says that IRS boss Lois Lerner, who plead the 5th during her House Oversight & Government Committee appearance, can still be recalled, and adds that because these scandals are happening under the watch of Eric Holder, Holder should step down.
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Meadows’ ears were ringing as an IRS agent based in Washington, D.C., has come forward and admitted that she was involved in reviewing the tax exemption status of Tea Party groups as far back as 2010.
We know that it was not two rogue agents in Cincinnati, there was a strong involvement from Washington, D.C., how high up that goes, we are not sure of.-Rep. Mark Meadows (R)
Now Meadows has introduced legislation that calls for a full audit the IRS, and prohibits the full implementation of Obamacare until the results of the audit are made public.
“After learning that the IRS targeted groups based on their political beliefs, why should we now blindly trust this agency to oversee the largest health care takeover in our nation’s history?” Meadows said. “Acting IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel has said he recognizes the need to restore the public’s trust in the IRS. By requiring this audit, Congress has the opportunity to make his words a reality.
On the issue of the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, Meadows says that along with the IRS scandal, Benghazi is the Oversight committee’s top priorities, and the committee could call back National Security Advisor Susan Rice to testify.
Meadows questions the ARB, the review board that filed the report about Benghazi, saying that the report “had a lot of things that they left out.”
According to Meadows, the House Foreign Affairs Committee will address the ARB process by putting forth an amendment that will call for the investigation of the senior level officials of any government agency, and not just certain individuals who are called to testify before the committee.To leave Hillary Clinton out of the interview process, I find that amazing that we would do that, an it just provides for political cover, something that the American people just wont stand for.-Rep. Mark Meadows (R0
Meadows adds that he doesn’t see Clinton coming back before Oversight, but insists that it is up to Chairman Darrel Issa to make that decision.