Former Congressman Allen West continues to make calculated political moves, as he has now converted his Allen West for Congress campaign committee account into Deep Strike PAC.
Roll Call reported that Deep Strike, which is affiliated with West’s Guardian PAC, will focus on helping elect or oppose multiple federal candidates in any given election cycle. During our recent interview with West, the former Congressman explained that his Guardian PAC focused on helping “elect ‘minority and military conservatives ‘to Congress. West says that they are looking to help elected 12 candidates, or as he calls them, “the dirty dozen,” in the 2014 election cycle.”(Read- West’s “Dirty Dozen”)
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So, in my estimation, the Deep Strike PAC would aim to support other candidates that fall outside of the Guardian PAC’s scope, and serve as the proverbial political Tomahawk Cruise missile that will target liberal Democrats.
Considering that West recently said that he would be getting back into the political mix in 2016, the Deep Strike PAC could very well be the stepping stone to a future run for office.
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