The Republican Party of Florida is pulling out all of the political stops to discredit former Republican Governor turned Democrat, Charlie Crist, who is expected to announce that he will challenge Republican Governor Rick Scott in the 2014 Gubernatorial election. Well, I think we can all agree that Crist is done a pretty good job of discrediting himself all on his own.
The RPOF just released this video asking Crist if he was still a “Reagan Republican,” as he once stated before he jumped the GOP ship to become an Independent, in hopes that the move would help him win his 2010 Senatorial race against Marco Rubio.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.I am running as a Republican. I am very proud to be from the party of Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, others, that really stood up for he principles of our party, like Ronald Reagan-this is a great party, it has a great future.”-Charlie Crist, 2010 Fox News Republican Senatorial Debate
Ok, take a minute to try to stop laughing. I know this is pretty funny, but unfortunately, there are some Republicans out there that are so enamored with Crist, that they would probably support him over Rick Scott. A couple of those Republicans that could possibly “hug it out” and support a Crist gubernatorial candidacy are long time Crist friends, state legislators Senator Jack Latvala and Representative Mike Fasano.
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