The FBI is asking the public for any information they may have that would help them locate the missing Marine.Unfortunately, one of the latest victims is a former U.S. Marine veteran, who has disappeared in Mexico. According to his family, Armando Torres and two other family members were kidnapped by armed men, after Torres crossed the border in Brownsville, Texas to go visit his father who resides in Mexico.
”A cousin of ours from Mexico contacted his sister, his sister called and told us that he was picked up there in Mexico,” Torres’ uncle told the local NBC affiliate.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Another family member, Patricia Torres, added, “They say when they got there, they were people with weapons and they picked him up.” A missing person’s report was filed with the Hidalgo County Sheriff’s Department.-Fox
According to the report, Torres’ friend and fellow Iraq War veteran John Fray is blaming President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder for Operation Fast & Furious for arming the drug cartels.-Hispolitica