With the “Gang of Eight” immigration reform bill set to hit the Senate floor sometime in June, Senator Marco Rubio, the bill’s chief spokesman is answering a growing list of concerns that many “constituents” have with his immigration reform legislation.
In response to a letter sent to him from “Lynn of Wesley Chapel,” Rubio said that it isn’t fair for illegal immigrants, who have “violated the laws of the United States” be afforded the opportunity to receive government benefits like Obamacare-
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And it isn’t fair either. So we cannot allow them to have access to ObamaCare benefits while they are here on their probationary and provisional status. The other reason why is because we want to make sure people that are being legalized in this country can sustain themselves. The last thing we want to do is legalize 11 million people and have a significant percentage of them be dependent on government. It’s not that we are not compassionate.
It’s that we cannot afford it, it isn’t responsible, and it isn’t fair to the people that did it the right way. As far as the complex piece of legislation, that’s always been my initial preference: to do it in separate pieces of legislation so we can keep them from being traded against each other. -Senator Marco Rubio
Rubio has always said that he would like to see the immigration problem tackled in several steps and that this bill is but one step towards fixing the illegal immigration problem in its entirety.
But while many Americans, including yours truly agree with Rubio that this issue is one that needs to be addressed and dealt with in piecemeal, the bill seems to be much broader in scope than Rubio claims, leaving skeptics to think that Rubio’s bill is really a “one-stop solution” to the immigration problem.
During my recent interview with former Congressman Allen West, he stated that the immigration problem needs addressed in stages and that Rubio’s bill is not the solution to the problem- he believes the bill amounts to a comprehensive “reform” of illegal immigration.
West also offered some advise to Senator Rubio- “Be careful standing on a stage with Chucky Schumer.”
The remainder of Rubio’s statement regarding immigration reform emphasizes that he will not support this piece of legislation if the different issues within this “one bill” start to be “horse traded”-
“So what I have found is that all of these issues are inter-related. You can’t deal with one without dealing with the other, otherwise it doesn’t work. And that’s why it’s so complex because the issue is complex. But I give you my word, that if this issue becomes one of those old-fashioned Washington issues where they start horse trading, one part of it for another part of it. If each of these are not dealt with as separate issues even though they are dealt with in one bill, then I won’t be able to support that anymore. I made that very clear from the beginning, and I continue to make that clear now.And that’s why I continue to ask for an open, transparent and extensive process. So the American people can know exactly what it is we’re doing, so that all views can be considered and heard, and so improvements can be made to this legislation. And let me tell you, there will have to be improvements. Because the good thing is the American people, the vast majority of them throughout the political spectrum, have clearly said that they are prepared to responsibly deal with those that are here illegally, but they are only willing to do so if we can take measures that ensure that this problem will never happen again in the future.
And so, if we can make sure we put in place enforcement mechanisms and a guest worker program that ensures this will never happen again in the future, we’re going to have responsible immigration reform. And if we don’t have that then we won’t have immigration reform, and I think our country will suffer for it.”-Video
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