Florida Democratic Congressman Alan Grayson has introduced a bill (H.R. 2096) that would mandate that U.S. companies with more than 100 employees, to provide them with one week of paid vacation, this under the Fair Labor Standards Act.
Grayson’s Congressional office release an statement last week touting the piece of legislation, stating that the bill would “bring the U.S. in line with other industrialized nations” and somehow would be good for business, because according to the Congressman, the bill would help stem lost business productivity that results from worker “absenteeism” and “health issues.”
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“This is a matter of justice and equality for all Americans,” Grayson said. “Sure, some Americans receive paid vacation leave, but an increasing number receive nothing at all—and this comes at a time when middle-class Americans are working harder than ever. Requiring paid vacation leave will allow workers to spend more time with their families, improve their mental and physical health, and ultimately be more productive in their workplace.”-Rep. Alan Grayson
Grayson also states that the bill would give part-time employees, who are the job for one year and work 25 hours a week, would also be covered. It gets better. Grayson also says that after three years his bill is implemented, employers with more than 100 employees would offer two weeks of vacation leave, while those with 50 or fewer employees would offer one week of paid leave.”
Grayson voted for the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), a law that according to Americans for Tax Reform, raises taxes on small businesses. So, how does forcing small businesses, who are already burdened with having to pay high taxes, and having to deal with the prospect of paying Obamacare-imposed taxes, benefit from being forced to pay for employee vacations?Share and “Like” the story below. Follow The Shark Tank on Twitter and Facebook Leave a comment.