Just the thought of Democrat Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi becoming Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives makes every God-loving American’s skin crawl. But if the Democrats manage to win a few more seats in 2014, this could very well be the case.
Pelosi is never at a loss for words, especially when the opportunity to bash Republicans presents itself. For instance, remember when she referring to the Republican Party as the “E Coli Club?”
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Now Pelosi says that Speaker Boehner and Republicans have voted to repeal Obamacare 37 times, while not voting on a single bill that would create jobs.
What the former Speaker doesn’t get is, that by submitting a repeal Obamacare bill and voting ‘Yea,’ Republicans are in essence creating jobs, and at the very least, preserving existing jobs.
Back in 2010, former Congressman Allen West famously demanded that, then Speaker Pelosi, “Give me that damn gavel.” Pelosi and her Democratic party lost control of the House, and she had to hand her Speaker’s gavel over to Representative John Boehner, not to West, but it was all the same that year.“I could not be more anxious or eager to have her back as Speaker of the House”-President Obama
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