An Allen West Presidential run cannot be ruled out, considering the incredible national name-recognition and support that the former Congressman from Florida still enjoys. West has now said that there is “no doubt about it” that he will get back into the “political framework in 2016.”But there is another option for West, besides running for Congress or President. How does U.S. Senator Allen West sound to you?
Back in March 2011, the call for Allen West to run for President in 2012 was deafening, even though he had just been sworn into his first term to Congress. I wrote a story to made more sense to me and many others, in that West would be better served to run for the U.S. Senate seat in 2012.
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The case was made for an Allen West for U.S. Senate run, and caused such a stir among the powers-that-be about this being a real possibility, that pressure from some very influential political power brokers to push West to run for the Senate became very real, leading West to have to emphatically state that he would not run for the U.S. Senate in 2012.
Looking back at the 2012 general election results, many of these same politicos think that West, were he have run for the Senate, could possibly had done better than GOP Senate nominee Congressman Connie Mack did, raised his profile even higher, and helped the Republican ticket along the way.
I tend to agree, especially after West himself confirmed the news we broke, and Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin, picked up on, that “the fix” was in to hurt Allen West during the congressional redistricting process. (Read-Allen West Gets Screwed)
I think everyone knows that Republicans did it- I really don’t care. I’m fine. No one ambushes me. –Congressman Allen West (Source)
Here is the real plausible scenario that could play out,and would open the door for West to run for Senate in 2016.
Senator Marco Rubio is not up for re-election to the U.S. Senate until 2016. He is expected to run for President of the United States, but in order to do so, he cannot simultaneously be listed to run for two federal races. If he does run for the GOP Presidential nomination, I suspect that Rubio will hold off from putting his name on the ballot for re-election to the Senate until a Republican Presidential candidate is chosen, or until he has to address the official candidate filing date in Florida, which historically has been in April.
If Rubio wins the Republican Presidential nomination, which I believe he will, his Senate seat opens up. Usually when a Senate seat opens up, the Governor of the state the seat represents, is responsible for appointing a successor to fill the seat until the existing senatorial term is up.
If Rubio is crushing the Republican Presidential field early on in 2016, and his nomination is all but sealed up, Rubio may decided to resign from the seat, forcing Florida Governor Rick Scott to have to appoint a place-holder in that seat until the general election later that year. Scott is very fond of West, and could appoint him to fill Rubio’s vacated seat, making an Allen West for U.S. Senate election in November even that more plausible.
We can only wait and see how this political circus plays out, stay tuned…Share and “Like” the story below. Follow The Shark Tank on Twitter and Facebook Leave a comment.