Senator Marco Rubio is slated to go on Fox News’ “Hannity” show to discuss immigration reform, again. Unfortunately for Rubio, his support for the ‘Gang of Eight’ immigration bill has bled him of considerable grassroots support in Florida, as well as throughout the country.
The junior Senator from Florida did the right thing by stepping up to the immigration reform problem, a move that many in his party have shied away from, but what price did Rubio pay for doing so?
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Considering what seems like the thousands of news stories written about Rubio and immigration reform, its hard not to notice all of the negative comments Americans are posting in the comment sections of those stories.
We here at the Shark Tank have been following the immigration debate closely, and have recently written that this issue could very well become a turning point in Rubio’s political career.
It is hard to grasp that a single ‘Yea’ or ‘Nay’ vote on a Senate bill could tremendously impact the political career of one of the most likeable politicians in recent history, but the sober truth for Rubio is that it likely will. For better or worse, Rubio’s vote will cast him as either a supporter of amnesty for illegal immigrants or as a leader who tried to do the right thing for the country but was forced to drop his support for a bill that became too flawed to support.
Senator Marco Rubio’s decision point has arrived. Will Rubio become part of the “Yes, we can” immigration reform contingency or will he reassert the “Yes, he can” posture he assumed on the cover of National Review that conservatives have grown to respect and admire?Over the past few days, we have been conducting a non-scientific poll, where we asked conservative readers if they supported Senator Rubio on immigration reform. (Rubio Decision Point)
According to the latest tally of the poll, an overwhelming 78% of Shark Tank do not support Rubio on immigration report. Again, this poll is not scientific, but the results do speak volumes as to how Rubio’s base feels about his support for the controversial issue.
[polldaddy poll=7107713]
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