Florida Congressman Alan Grayson (D) is once again attacking Republicans by stating that the Northern Route Approval Act, which was introduced by House Republicans is “blatantly unconstitutional” because it “overrides the President’s authority to make decisions on the Keystone XL pipeline.”
Here is what Grayson says about the bill-
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Whatever you think about the Keystone Pipeline, this bill is blatantly unconstitutional. The Constitution provides for a legislative branch, which creates legislation — laws of general application. It also provides for an executive branch, which executes the laws. This is known as the separation of powers. The bill that the Republicans are putting forward is a clear violation of this principle.
He adds-
“I’m no longer going to let the Republicans get away with claiming that they care about the Constitution when they trample all over it.”
So, he says Republicans “trample all over” the Constitution, and stepping on President Obama’s authority to make things happen, really?
Grayson’s remarks stink of hypocrisy, considering that he seemed quite content when President Obama ‘side-stepping’ or violating the “principle” of the “separation of powers” when he by-passed the legislative branch over gun control.
Shortly after the Sandy Hook elementary shooting, instead of waiting for members of Congress to introduce gun-control legislation, President Obama pounded his chest and laid out 23 gun-control executive orders.
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