U.S. Senate Majority leader Harry Reid (D-NV) is complaining that it has been two months since a budget passed, and that Republicans are objecting to “budget negotiations” unless Democrats “agree in advance to let them win.”
Win at what? This hypocritical statement by Senator Reid borders on stupidity, considering that he and his fellow Democrats in the Congress have stifled budget negotiations, and have not allowed a budget to be submitted for four years until the 2013 budget was introduced and passed.
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According to Politifact, Reid himself tripped up the budgetary process in 2012.
The U.S. House passed seven of the 12 annual appropriations bills this year and sent them to the Senate for consideration, according to the status report by Republicans on the Senate Budget Committee. The Senate Appropriations Committee also approved 11 of the 12 spending bills and sent them to the full Senate for consideration.But none of the bills approved by the House or the Senate Appropriations Committee were ever brought to the Senate floor for a vote. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., who decides which bills will be considered, told reporters on July 10, 2012, that no spending bills were likely to be approved this year because of an ongoing dispute with House Republicans over how much the federal government should spend.
True to his word, Reid so far has not brought any of the annual spending bills to the floor this year, necessitating the short-term budget measure to keep the government running for another six months.
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