What the heck is That what I asked myself when I first heard the name mentioned during the 2013 CPAC convention in Washington,D.C. A friend of mine told me about the concept, which I thought was interesting, but needed to see how it would lay out on the web.Then I met a group of people at the annual National Blogger’s Club awards event, who just happened to be Team Volkalize, and went on to describe to me that the under construction website would eventually become a “unbiased” political discussion website.
The newly launched site is the creation of 23-year-old Jordan Bosstick of San Diego, California, who says that she started in site because she wanted “politics and political discussions to become a part of our popular culture.”
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Bosstick contends that the topic discussions, opinions expressed and posted on would not be influence in any way by the site, rather they would be solely driven by the Volkalize user.
Social media is the best way to engage people, so I knew if I wanted to get people talking about politics I had to create a platform on the web. Users can create a topic for discussion or engage in a discussion already trending.We also make it easy for Volkalize members to share entire discussions on other social media platforms, to spread the information they care about with their peers outside of Volkalize. I believe we can collectively find the solutions to our problems through real conversations with each other.-Jordan Bosstick
The young entrepreneur adds that on her website, visitors can see what “everyone is saying about the topics you care about, regardless of whether they are in your personal social network or not. This is unlike other social media platforms where you see what your friends are saying or what the people you are following are saying.”
Just looking at the site, I could see myself starting up some inappropriate discussion that would put me in the dog house with many users. Hahaha
In all seriousness, Volkalize has the potential of becoming the go-to political free-for-all website where just about anything can be discussed. Click here to visit the site-Volkalize
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