Tampa, Florida- Over 700 Republican faithfully jammed into the Grand Hyatt hotel for the annual Hillsborough County Republican Party’s Lincoln Day dinner to hear Senator Marco Rubio deliver the keynote address.
Rubio 35 minute speech ranks up there with one the best he has ever given. Sporting a snazzy Brooks Brothers blue tie with pink stripes (Rubio claims its a Brooks Brothers), presumably in honor of breast cancer awareness month, the water sipping politician veered away from the immigration reform issue, and focused on the government scandals that have shamed the country.
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Towards the end of his speech, Rubio told the crowd that one of the workers of the event slipped him a handwritten letter thanking him for the “opportunity to live in freedom and realize his dreams.”
Falling short of predicting a tidal wave of Republican victories in the 2004 midterm elections, Rubio affirmed that he believes that the Republican Party “will win a lot of elections in 2014.”
Rubio says that Americans will be looking for alternatives to Obama’s failed policies, once they realize the full burden that these policies will bring to bear on them.All of these policies that the President has put in place are not going to work. I am sad to say, but they are going to fail miserably, and it will hurt America in the short term.-Senator Marco Rubio
The time is coming when the majority of the people in this country will look for an alternative to the disaster of the last five years, in fact I think that time is here now.-Senator Marco Rubio
Do yourselves a favor. Watch the entire video clip.
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