The recent scandals that have all but crippled the Obama administration should probably be welcomed by Senator Marco Rubio as unexpected reprieve from the negative immigration reform pounding that he as endured since his Senate ‘Gang of Eight’ immigration reform bill was introduced in mid April.
Rubio has taken a leading role in calling out the President and his administration’s “culture of intimidation” by demanding for “heads to roll,” and for criminal investigations to be launched, in regards to the IRS and Associated Press phone-gate scandals.
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The immigration reform issue is not going away, but this little ‘detour’ from the controversial issue is a blessing in disguise for Team Marco.
With Americans from both sides of the immigration issue railing against the egregious overreach by the IRS and the Justice Department, once the immigration reform issue returns to the forefront of the national political discourse, the angst and passion behind the anti-Rubio sentiment would have probably subsided, giving Rubio an opportunity to take a step back and reassess his position on the issue.
In my opinion, considering what is happening with immigration reform over at the U.S. House of Representatives, a balance, bipartisan, anti-amnesty and security-minded immigration reform bill is dead on arrival.Share and “Like” the story below. Follow The Shark Tank on Twitter and Facebook Leave a comment.