More Republican members of Congress are joining the political dog pile of President Obama, as his Internal Revenue Service continues to come under scrutiny after admmitting to have egregiously targeted ‘Tea Party’ and other conservative non-profit organizations for audi.
Florida Congressman Steve Southerland, who is not satisfied with just a “couple of sacrificial staff resignations at the IRS,” is demanding more answers, as he feels that President Obama and his administration has shown “a complete failure of leadership,” and adding that administration has shown a “shocking breach of the public trust.”
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“It’s going to take more than a couple of sacrificial staff resignations at the IRS to get to the bottom of this systemic abuse of federal power. Congress must look at reining in yet another federal agency that has grown too large, too powerful, and too involved in the lives of the American people. For the President to be unaware of his administration’s actions on a string of ethical lapses – from the IRS targeting conservative groups, to wiretapping of reporters and fatal security failures in Benghazi – displays, at best, a complete failure of leadership and, at worst, a shocking breach of the public trust.”-Rep. Steve Southerland (R-FL)
Here are some of Southerland’s colleagues sounding off against Obama’s scandal-laden administration-
Rooney calls for the elimination of the IRSTrey Radel demands Eric Holder appoint a “Special Counsel” to investigate IRS
Rubio On IRS Scandal- ” The President Does Not Have Clean Hands in This”
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