The bill is to make it legal for private employers to offer workers the option of putting in extra hours and, rather than getting paid for it that week, bank the hours to take paid time off later – providing it doesn’t cause undue stress to the work schedule – without having to use up their vacation days. Currently companies are mostly prohibited from offering this option because of provisions in the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938-Hot Air
Wasserman Schultz’s clear opposition to the bill is to protect her union interests, so it should be no surprise to anyone to see her dip into the usual ‘blame Bush’ fear mongering talking points, that are solely aimed at demonizing Republicans
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Wasserman Schultz tries to keep the phony Republican ‘War on Women’ narrative going by stating that women are the most at risk in this “anti-family, anti-worker” Republican bill.
But ‘DWS’ goes a little further and blurs the racial divide by saying that “Hispanic woman, are more likely to be hourly wage workers, more likely to be in jobs with higher power differentials between employee and employer.” She then adds that Hispanic women represent “two-thirds” of the “family caregivers” in the country.
Say what?!
Talk about insulting woman and Hispanics in one sentence, ‘DWS’ has effectively been able to slam the two most sought after voting demographics. Do you agree with me?
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