The Democrats are up to their typical shameless attempts at trying to capture personal information from constituents by asking people to sign a Mother’s Day card for Michelle Obama. Michelle’s card will not be sent to her with your name unless you fill out the “required” email and zip code fields.This is not as low as when they asked people to support Boston Marathon bombing by launching a website “encouraging users to express their gratitude to Boston’s first responders.”
The page in which the email capture option is found, asks for people to “add” their names to the “thank you note,” but in the actual information capture section, visitors are the required include their first and last name, email, zip code, before they can successfully submit the form.-Shark Tank
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Hey, I guess Republicans also use similar tactics to raise money and garner information, but Democrats seem to go that extra special mile to blur the ethics line. Wait, there are ethics in politics?
“For the First Time in My Adult Lifetime, I’m Really Proud of My Country”-Michelle Obama
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