Rubio spoke to the Port St. Lucie Country Republican Party last week, where he did discuss immigration reform, but focused more on foreign policy and Conservative principles and beliefs.
Rubio stated that it was important that Republicans “define what it is to be a Conservative Republican,” because Democrats would be more than happy to define Republicans however they felt like.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
When referencing Ronald Reagan, Rubio almost made a Freudian slip but caught himself from saying “Marco” instead of Ronald Reagan. The junior Senator from Florida also mentioned that he and other conservative Republican members of the U.S. Senate, all “grew up with Ronald Reagan in the White House,” and that the core principles that Conservatives have always held “still work” today.
Look around the world. Look at places where government dominates the economy. Look at places where the government does the kinds of things that this President and the Democratic Party and the Left want our government to do, or in fact, make our government do. And what you will find is stagnant economies.-Senator Marco Rubio
Rubio then gave the reason why Americans want to repeal Obamacare, reminding the crowd about the Obamacare benefit-cutting measure that will come to pass this fall.
What about the Seniors, who this October will get a letter informing them of the benefits they are losing under Medicare Advantage because the money is being taken out and used to pay something else in Obamacare.-Senator Marco Rubio
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