In the video, Rubio reinforces the accepted fact that the new bill, no matter how imperfect it is, is by far the toughest border enforcement pieces of legislation in the history of immigration reform. Rubio added that his bill will not grant social service benefits to illegal immigrants that receive a work visa.
“Our current immigration system is a disaster. What we have now is defacto amnesty…No food stamps, no welfare, no Obamacare.” Rubio adds,” they’re gonna have to wait 13 years, they’re gonna have to pay fines, they’re gonna to have to learn English. they’re gonna to have to work, their gonna have to wait in the back of the line.” Senator Marco Rubio
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While the bill may or may not pass in the Senate, Rubio and others doubt that it will pass the Republican-led U.S. House of Representatives. Rubio believes that in order for his bill to pass the House, the border “enforcement mechanisms” in the bill will have to be “strengthened.”
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