Interestingly enough, a group of pro-legal immigration Americans will attending the St. Lucie county Republican Lincoln Day dinner to protest Senator Marco Rubio. The protest is led by Talk Radio host Joyce Kaufman and the FLIMEN, who believe that Rubio has gone back on his 2010 Senatorial campaign promise of advocating for legal immigration, and being opposing amnesty for illegal immigrants.
While Rubio contends that he is still against any form of amnesty of illegal immigrants, Conservatives are pummelling Rubio for stand side-by-side with the pro-amnesty “Gang of Eight” members of the U.S. Senate.
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In addition, Rubio has always been supportive of a step-by-step immigration reform process that would be made up of a series of bills, but now critics are wondering if the Senator is hedging on this initial thought, and is now considering throwing down on a one bill solution.
Several of Rubio’s close allies in the U.S. Senate are also pushing back on his bill, saying that the Gang of Eight “don’t even know how many people would be allowed in the country legally in the next ten years.”
If proponents of the Gang of Eight proposal insist on everything, the country will get nothing more than motion. If Republicans and Democrats can work together on a sensible, incremental approach, we can make real forward movement. I am confident we can begin immigration reform now and take positive steps toward creating a system that will better serve the country. This approach will ensure that our nation of immigrants remains a land of opportunity.-Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT)“[The Gang of Eight] don’t even know how many people would be allowed in the country legally in the next ten years… We need to know how many people will come, how much it will cost, what the ramifications are, how much it will impact wages, jobs, and unemployment rates in America. It will hurt the working Americans—these numbers—there is no doubt about that. The political goal has to give way to what’s in the best interest of America and the American people.” –Sen. Pete Sessions (R-TX)
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