Bush discussed the need for an “across the board” empowerment of parental choices for education, adding that “all schools get better when you offer opportunity.”
The former governor then focused on the “need to raise the bar” on education, and to instill higher learning expectations from kids, instead of keeping to the existing lower expectation status quo.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.If you have low expectations for kids, because you are living your prejudice on them, by saying they can’t learn, you will get that result. In America today, we do that way too often.-Jeb Bush
After Bush finished with the panel discussion he sat on after his speech, we ran into the good governor downstairs where he literally ran out of this Bush & Associates office with his running gear on. When we asked him about his get-up, Bush joked around by saying, “how else am I suppose to keep up this physique.”
We have about a tenth grade level of education on kids, Its a miracle that many kids are reaching a college or career redness when our expectations have been so ‘dumbed’ down.–Jeb Bush
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