Maduro: “I am willing to radicalize this revolution”
Over in Venezuela, things are getting hot after Sunday night’s snap election, which Nicolás Maduro (Hugo Chavez’ hand-picked successor) won by a razor-thin margin. As a result of that margin of victory and the delays in calling the election, there is a widespread sense that the election was won by fraud. The opposition, led by Governor Henrique Capriles (UDR-Miranda), have been outspoken about their concerns, and have called for a recount.
However, the regime has begun to harden, and has begun to take measures to ensure that no uprisings occur. Below are two videos.
In the first (click CC for subtitles), Maduro announces his refusal to “make any deal with the burgeoisie” and willingness to crack down on any further dissent.
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In the second, we begin to get a glimpse of what that “radicalization” looks like. No subtitles are neccesary.
Maduro: “I am willing to radicalize this revolution”
Over in Venezuela, things are getting hot after Sunday night’s snap election, which Nicolás Maduro (Hugo Chavez’ hand-picked successor) won by a razor-thin margin. As a result of that margin of victory and the delays in calling the election, there is a widespread sense that the election was won by fraud. The opposition, led by Governor Henrique Capriles (UDR-Miranda), have been outspoken about their concerns, and have called for a recount.However, the regime has begun to harden, and has begun to take measures to ensure that no uprisings occur. Below are two videos.
In the first (click CC for subtitles), Maduro announces his refusal to “make any deal with the burgeoisie” and willingness to crack down on any further dissent.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
In the second, we begin to get a glimpse of what that “radicalization” looks like. No subtitles are neccesary.
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