Early Saturday morning, Rubio put out a statement chiding interim Venezuelan President and ‘Chavista’ Nicolas Maduro. Rubio stated that he and others are ready to support new leaders who look to “reverse the socialist disaster of the past 14 years and restore the rule of law.”
Maduro has gone as far practice voter intimidation by threatening to put out thousands of his fellow Chavistas on the streets to make sure that this election will turn out to be fair to him.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Chavistas in city of Baraquisimeto are saying that they “will activate seven thousand five hundred witnesses to counter a possible attempt to destabilize the opposition right before or during the election,” and that popular struggle to ensure the electoral victory”, which reflects the commitment “to the big man, Giant, this colossus of the revolution like the Commander Hugo Chavez Frias.”- Hispolitica
But the recent news being reported on Maduro has now taken a disturbing turn, as a Univision investigative report has uncovered that Maduro was inextricably tied to the murderous and drug-trafficking terror group, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC).
Here is Senator Rubio’s statement on the upcoming Venezuelan elections-
“This Sunday, April 14th, the Venezuelan people will go to the ballot box to determine what direction their country should take.“The interim government has the obligation to conduct a free and transparent electoral process, ensure the safety of all voters, and respect the will of the voters as expressed in legitimate election results. We urge the administration and all democracies in the region to closely observe this weekend’s voting to ensure that all those wanting to participate are given the respect to exercise their rights.
“The Venezuelan people should know that the democracies of the Western Hemisphere stand ready to hold accountable any individual threatening to disrupt the peaceful conduct of free and fair elections and will be ready to support Venezuela’s new leaders if they seek to reverse the socialist disaster of the past 14 years and restore the rule of law, democratic principles, security and free enterprise. The Venezuelan people deserve better and we look forward to the opportunity to one day rebuild our once strong friendship based on shared principles and values.”
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