This picture was taken moments before he threw me the pass
Here is what I wrote at the time-
If Crist decides to run for Governor, will we see a repeat of this play? Or will a Crist-Sink Democrat primary decrease the likelihood that he will be the next governor of Florida, and will he be able to ‘go deep’ if he had to? Either way, I am up to the challenge. Bring it on Charlie 😉This afternoon in Miramar, Florida, Governor Crist and yours truly, Mahasharkie, decided to ham it up for the media and play a little catch football. Governor Crist proved that he still had the arm to throw the deep ball- Crist played Quarterback in his college days.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Knowing that this was a good photo op for Charlie, I decided not to out run the pass by turning on my blazing fast speed- lucky for Charlie that I wasn’t wearing the right shoes. Now the question that needs to be asked is- will Marco Rubio ever man up and take on Sharky on in a little mano-a-mano football? According to Rubio, during his college playing days, he was a Revis-esque shut-down cornerback– or so he says.
Message to Rubio-bring it on, Charlie already did.
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