Porkulus: Obama spent $2.4M to study the immunological effects of racism
That’s right, kids. Our stimulus dollars spent $2.4 million dollars to study how racism might affect the immune system…courtesy of the same people behind such hits as the $734K Ethnic Pain Difference and the $432K Condom-Use studies.
It is entirely reasonable to posit that racism (whether real or imagined) is a stressor and that stress can, among other things, lower a body’s defenses and lead to chronic illnesses. However, this study seeks to isolate race-based stress. Isn’t that a form of discrimination, by the way? And are we racists for pointing this study out? I can’t really blame Columbia for taking the money, I blame Nancy Pelosi’s Congress for making it rain on goofy studies. So where did the money go? Well, it went towards the resolution of this burning question:
1) How does racism get into the body?
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How soon before Al Sharpton goes on the airwaves to thunder against CIA-funded race pathogen plots a la Hugo Chavez’ cancer attack?
You’ll recall that the Recovery Act (A.K.A. The Stimulus, A.K.A. Porkulus) was designed to create jobs. This particular stimulus project generated zero new jobs, but I bet it generated a lot of governmental goodwill. As a matter of fact, it’s been almost four years but the study hasn’t even started yet. Bear in mind that the study falls under the jurisdiction of the same people that want to run your healthcare.
By the way, to whose district did this juicy pork fall, you ask? Of course. it makes sense…you racists.
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Porkulus: Obama spent $2.4M to study the immunological effects of racism
That’s right, kids. Our stimulus dollars spent $2.4 million dollars to study how racism might affect the immune system…courtesy of the same people behind such hits as the $734K Ethnic Pain Difference and the $432K Condom-Use studies.It is entirely reasonable to posit that racism (whether real or imagined) is a stressor and that stress can, among other things, lower a body’s defenses and lead to chronic illnesses. However, this study seeks to isolate race-based stress. Isn’t that a form of discrimination, by the way? And are we racists for pointing this study out? I can’t really blame Columbia for taking the money, I blame Nancy Pelosi’s Congress for making it rain on goofy studies. So where did the money go? Well, it went towards the resolution of this burning question:
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
How soon before Al Sharpton goes on the airwaves to thunder against CIA-funded race pathogen plots a la Hugo Chavez’ cancer attack?
You’ll recall that the Recovery Act (A.K.A. The Stimulus, A.K.A. Porkulus) was designed to create jobs. This particular stimulus project generated zero new jobs, but I bet it generated a lot of governmental goodwill. As a matter of fact, it’s been almost four years but the study hasn’t even started yet. Bear in mind that the study falls under the jurisdiction of the same people that want to run your healthcare.
By the way, to whose district did this juicy pork fall, you ask? Of course. it makes sense…you racists.
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