Here is what the Shark Tank wrote earlier about Israel’s pro-NRA, anti-Obama position on gun control:
[vsw id=”VhCGk_uUNag” source=”youtube” width=”600″ height=”300″ autoplay=”no”]While gun violence in schools is certainly a topic that needed to be addressed, one law enforcement official went as far as to side with the NRA’s Wayne LaPierre in calling for armed resource officers in schools.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Newly elected Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel, a former Republican turned Democrat whose 2012 candidacy was supported by Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz said that “all options needed to be on the table’” when dealing with the issue of school gun violence, including arming police officers already assigned to schools. Most, if not all Broward County schools are already armed or are assigning more throughout the school district.
“Mental health issues, gun registration, Baker Acting, having school resource officers armed, there are just so many different issues and I think everybody understands there’s no one solution to this problem.” – Broward Sheriff Scott Israel
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