Pollster Frank Lutz appeared on the Fox News’ morning program, ‘Fox and Friends’ to discuss one of his recent “dial-in” polls that showed how disappointed Americans are with both Republicans and Democrats on the immigration reform issue.
Luntz said that American’s biggest immigration concerns are with border security and fairness in dealing with the illegal immigration problem. This fairness could be translated to mean that Americans are in favor of some form of pathway to citizenship, as long as it is fair to the existing immigrants that are already waiting in line for residency or citizenship consideration, and to the illegal immigrants who are already here looking for the same opportunities as those who are already in the legal immigration process.
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The survey also showed how popular Senator Marco Rubio’s message is on immigration, as the message seems to be resonating with Americans.
Considered by many to be the natural fit to lead the immigration reform discussion, Rubio has positioned himself at the front line of the immigration reform issue with his recent bipartisan “statement of principles” proposal, aimed at tackling the illegal immigration problem.Rubio resonates with both sides-Frank Luntz
Rubio has drawn criticism from his base of political support over his perceived “amnesty-lite” immigration proposal, many of whom are holding judgment on Rubio until the final product, which would come in the form of a bill, hits the Senate floor.
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