Customs and Border Patrol agents patrolling the U.S.-Mexico border drive up to two hours a day to work, and stay until they are relieved form their posts by their fellow agents. Now, because of sequestration, once agents complete their work day, they leave their post unattended until a new agent arrives to start his work shift.
The proposal is an attempt to save $110 million by changing the overtime system for Border Patrol agents, who are paid time and a half for their first ten hours of overtime per week, and half-time for any additional unscheduled overtime hours. The president’s budget proposes to pay agents straight-time for their first ten hours of overtime per week, and no compensation for any additional, unscheduled overtime hours. -Pat Dollard
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Here is a statement the Customs and Border Patrol sent over to Fox Latino two weeks ago regarding the budget cuts-
This move by the Obama administration leaves the border unsecure for several hours at a time, contradicting Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano’s previous statement that the border has never been more secure.“In order to address the more than half a billion in budget cuts imposed by sequestration, U.S. Customs and Border Protection must take significant budget reduction actions,” A CBP spokesperson said in a statement to Fox News Latino. “CBP will continue to make every effort to minimize the sequester’s impact on public safety and national security, but expects that planned furlough of employees, along with reductions to overtime and hiring freeze will increase wait times at ports of entry, including international arrivals at airports, and reduce staffing between land ports of entry.”-Fox Latino
“It also ignores the significant progress and efforts that we have undertaken over the past four years. Our borders have, in fact, never been stronger.”- Sec. Janet Napolitano
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