FishbowlDC starts off by saying that I “essentially cat called a female politician on her legs.” Cat called?
In Washington, a male reporter or blogger would get hanged for this. But in Miami, it’s apparently acceptable for a blogger to essentially cat call a female politician on her legs.-FishbowlDC
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Per the English language dictionary, here is the definition of the term “cat call”-
n.A harsh or shrill call or whistle expressing derision or disapproval.
v. cat·called, cat·call·ing, cat·calls
To express derision or disapproval of with catcalls.
v.intr.To make catcalls.
Here’s my offending tweet-
No disapproval about Sarah’s legs coming from me. Us Miami/Tony Montana types realize that tweets like this are acceptable down here. After all, the Miami banana republic is so much different than Washington,D.C. You have to tip your hat to a female politician or any woman for that matter who takes great pride in taking care of their health and overall appearance.
Then our ‘friendly’ blogger states that I apparently “douse” myself in “Ed Hardy Skull and Roses Toilette Spray.”
You’d think this means the blogger who seems to douse himself in Ed Hardy Skull and Roses Toilette Spray before he goes to the CPAC filing center writes about hard hitting stuff. And he does. He writes about NASA, meteors and GOP Sens. Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Harry Reid and more. But last night the “award-winning” CPAC blogger felt the need to gawk over Palin’s legs.-FishbowlDC
Apparently, our DC reporter is not too keen on the finer smells resonating from outside of the neighborhood Walmart, especially the ones that can be found at your Nieman Marcus and Bloomingdale’s Men’s cologne counters. I have a feeling that Walmart doesn’t carry the two colognes I usually “douse” myself with, Santos de Cartier and Amber Pour Homme from Prada.
Hey- wonder if the blogger would care to show us her legs?
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