U.S. Senator Marco Rubio continues playing with fire regarding his support for ‘humanitarian aid’ to be sent to the civil war-torn country of Syria. Rubio has now co-sponsored legislation with Democratic Senator Bob Casey, called the Syria Democrat Transition Act of 2013, that would send more aid to the Syrian people and government opposition.
“This bill includes a combination of humanitarian assistance, non-lethal equipment and training for the armed opposition, and sanctions against elements of the regime. The killing and destruction has gone on too long and we need to renew our efforts to support the Syrian people and opposition.” –Sen. Bob Casey(D-PA)
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Casey and Rubio seem to miss the point here. As we have written before, it is well documented that this “armed opposition” that they speak of is comprised of many seasoned Islamist fighters who have American blood on their hands.
Do they think that these Islamists will have a change of mind from their long-standing mindset that the U.S. is the “Great Satan” and a country of “Infidels?”
As a whole, the bill is a step forward in trying to keep Syria from falling into the hands of Islamists. But one interesting and naive point stated in the legislation is that the bill would “help secure non-conventional weapons stockpiles in Syria. The bill requires a briefing on all known weapons stockpiles in Syria and encourages the U.S. to develop a plan to identify and secure all weapons stockpiles, recover and dispose of all non-conventional weapons, and prevent the illicit sale or transfer of weapons out of Syria.
Good luck in convincing greedy ex-soldiers and former government officials to turn over a treasure trove of weapons to the U.S., when they can easily sell them off in the black market, and to terrorist organizations.Senator Rubio stated the following-
“In Syria, we have a terrible humanitarian crisis that is strengthening Iran’s influence and giving Islamist terrorists a chance to seize power after Assad is gone,” said Senator Rubio. “This legislation is a way forward in Syria that is in line with our interests because it authorizes non-lethal direct assistance to democratically-oriented groups, encourages creative ways for U.S. aid to be more apparent to the Syrian people, and urges the president to pursue additional, crippling sanctions to isolate the Assad regime and those supporting him.”-Senator Marco Rubio
While the Senators intentions are good, what they need to do is simply go back and examine what happened in Libya and Egypt. Yes, we should aid Syria. And yes, we should help overthrow al-Assad, but at what cost?
Listen to Rubio’s entire press release on this new Syrian Aid bill.
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