Florida Speaker of the House Will Weatherford has just posed a poignant question to former Governor Charlie Crist, one that will undoubtedly be repeatedly asked of him, were he decided to run against Rick Scott in the 2014 Gubernatorial election. Former Republican, and now Democrat Charlie Crist, has been considering a run against Scott, but will have a tough go at it, as Democrats around the state are skeptical about his chances of overcoming his chameleon-like political evolution from a Conservative Republican, to a left-leaning Democrat.
Crist jumped ship from the GOP when he saw that he would lose the 2010Republican Senatorial primary against Senator Marco Rubio.
If he wants to be Governor so bad again, if he wants to come back to the state of Florida, and lead our state, why did he leave us when we had a 12% unemployment rate, and the state of Florida was having its hardest times? Weatherford continued,” Florida really needed a leader and stick up for them, why did he chose to leave?
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