By Javier Manjarres
The Democratic party has effectively labeled the GOP as the non-inclusive political party to Hispanics, Blacks, and Gays.But after the November 2012 election disaster, the GOP has been trying to find a footing in the current political discourse, and has even started inserting pro-gay outreach rhetoric into the conversation, in hopes to be able to steal away some of this vote that usually trends Democratic.
Many U.S. Representatives and Senators, including Senator Marco Rubio, have openly stated that they are against gay marriage, but would leave it up to individual states to decide if they would support such a measure.
This past weekend, Congressman Trey Radel was the latest to joined the growing choir of Republican supporters for inclusion of gays into the Republican fold. Radel stated that he did not care what sexual orientation a person was, as long as they stood by conservative values and principles
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.We should be welcoming people, anybody stands for conservative values and principles, that understands what makes this country great, no matter what walk of life you come from. Radel adds, or whatever sexual orientation you are, you know what, our republican party should be inviting them in.-Rep. Trey Radel
There seems to be a growing sentiment that Americans are starting to look past sexual orientation as a non-starter issue when vetting, and possibly voting for potential elected officials. Radel, as well as current Florida Speaker of the the House Will Weatherford, are both stating that they would support gay Republican state and federal candidates.
The Republican party, which believes in the Emphasis on individual freedom and rights, and equality for all people, is the natural home for the gay community, whether they want to accept it or not.So will Republicans nationwide swing open those political closet doors and fully and openly embrace the gay community?
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