VIDEO: Alan Grayson equates Ryan budget to My Lai massacre
Last night, Grayson appeared on Current/Al-Jazeera (I assume the check has cleared, yes?) and railed against the Ryan budget; saying, among other things, that Ryan wanted Americans to work until they die (quickly?). But in the process of denouncing the Ryan budget, Grayson went on to call Medicare reform “the My Lai solution”. My Lai, as in the atrocious Vietman-era massacre.
Of course, it goes without saying that it is beyond despicable that a sitting congressman would equate attempts at reform of a near-insolvent entitlement with the horrific massacre of innocent civilians. But then again, this is Alan Grayson we’re talking about, and this sort of verbal rot is sui generis.
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On November 6th, 2012, the good people of the Ninth Congressional District of Florida sent Alan Grayson back to Congress, by 26 points in what was drawn as a D+9 district. Here’s to an opponent for my congressclown in 2014.
VIDEO: Alan Grayson equates Ryan budget to My Lai massacre
Of course, it goes without saying that it is beyond despicable that a sitting congressman would equate attempts at reform of a near-insolvent entitlement with the horrific massacre of innocent civilians. But then again, this is Alan Grayson we’re talking about, and this sort of verbal rot is sui generis.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
On November 6th, 2012, the good people of the Ninth Congressional District of Florida sent Alan Grayson back to Congress, by 26 points in what was drawn as a D+9 district. Here’s to an opponent for my congressclown in 2014.
Click to watch, via MoxNews (H/T The Blaze).
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