Congressman Tom Price is the vice-chair of the congressional Budget Committee, and he’s earned his reputation on Capitol Hill as a committed fiscal and deficit hawk. Price is also rumored to be a possible candidate to replace retiring U.S. Senator Saxby Chambliss from Georgia.We sat down with Price on Tuesday and asked him whether or not any common ground exists between Republicans and Democrats as a starting point for negotiations-
“It’s important to see what the other side wants to do before we talk about concessions on our side. We’ve done a lot of negotiating with ourselves, and that doesn’t end too well.” – Congressman Tom Price
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
The President’s budget is already five weeks past due- it should have been submitted on February 4th. For those of you who are still unsure about what President Obama’s intentions are, they should be crystal clear by now- he is playing a disingenuous waiting game with Congress, hoping that his political capital and popularity returns before pushing “forward” with more spending, taxes, and bloated government on top of what he’s already accomplished.
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