Ronald Reagan is known to be an admirer of the man known as “Silent Cal”. Today, his fiscal and moral clarity is needed more than ever.
Charles Johnson’s publishing debut tackles the lessons that Coolidge left behind, and why they are relevant today. Silent Cal was able to communicate economic principles, and sought every possible opportunity to deliver the message personally….which is something sorely needed in today’s ad-heavy world.
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To that end, we submit Charles Johnson’s “Why Coolidge Matters” (available here) for your consideration. Published yesterday, “Why Coolidge Matters” contrasts the wisdom of Coolidge with the madness currently coming out of Washington, D.C. Let the record reflect that Coolige came to office after a progressive with a hyperexpansive view of the role of government, much like our current President.
I leave you with Silent Cal himself, and a first-ever Presidential video address that should be mandatory viewing for any conservative seeking public office today.
READ: Why Coolidge Matters
Ronald Reagan is known to be an admirer of the man known as “Silent Cal”. Today, his fiscal and moral clarity is needed more than ever.
Charles Johnson’s publishing debut tackles the lessons that Coolidge left behind, and why they are relevant today. Silent Cal was able to communicate economic principles, and sought every possible opportunity to deliver the message personally….which is something sorely needed in today’s ad-heavy world.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
To that end, we submit Charles Johnson’s “Why Coolidge Matters” (available here) for your consideration. Published yesterday, “Why Coolidge Matters” contrasts the wisdom of Coolidge with the madness currently coming out of Washington, D.C. Let the record reflect that Coolige came to office after a progressive with a hyperexpansive view of the role of government, much like our current President.
I leave you with Silent Cal himself, and a first-ever Presidential video address that should be mandatory viewing for any conservative seeking public office today.
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